NanRise was invited to attend the "High Quality Green Building Development Forum" hosted by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Guangdong Province in China. Dr. Yip introduced the work plan of the China-Singapore Sustainable Cities Development between the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. The event was well attended by local industry representatives and government officials.
南科创新首席执行官叶祖达博士受邀请出席, 并发言介绍了《中新可持续绿色生态城市合作计划》。欢迎地方政府与业界与新加坡合作,共同在国内外推动创新、绿色、共享、高质量绿色城市发展,促进绿色低碳、生态宜居、智慧创新及城市可持续发展水平的提高,双方将共建国际合作平台,在绿色城市发展方面开展合作。